Friday, August 29, 2014

Colleen O'Neill lays out plan to enhance community and school safety

Jefferson County Sheriff candidate Colleen O’Neill has put forth a plan to focus the efforts of the Sheriff’s Office to enhance the safety of communities and schools throughout the County. The plan calls for:

  • a goal of having a common police presence in every school,
  • initiating community-oriented policing activities in partnership with local law enforcement agencies for each of the towns and villages,
  • holding regular town hall meetings at each of the school districts, towns and villages to allow the public to bring forth their own ideas for ensuring community safety
  • using a reverse 911 system on different levels to keep the public informed of emergencies and community interests.

O’Neill said that she has heard from many citizens about community safety. “I have been listening to the community’s concerns since I announced my candidacy for Jefferson County Sheriff in January. Parents tell me they want to send their children to school with the confidence that they will return home safely,” she said.  “As a starting point, I will ensure that a Sheriff’s Deputy adds a stop into a school, as time allows, in the course of their regular patrol. But my ultimate goaI will be to spearhead a program where state, county and local law enforcement agencies share the responsibility of this school safety program. My experience in working with these agencies will be extremely beneficial to this program’s creation. Investing in educating our kids of the dangers of among other things - drugs, bullying and distracted driving is a start. The positive result of this investment may not be immediately evident but with this commitment, the next several years may see a decline rather than another spike of these types of problems.”

Ms. O’Neill said that a police officer in school serves a purpose much greater than as simply a reactionary agent to an incident that threatens immediate danger.  A police officer can be a role model, an educator and an informal counselor.

Ms. O’Neill also pointed out that in meeting with local law enforcement agencies in Jefferson County, she has heard about the lack of collaborative relations between the Sheriff’s Office and them.  She will make it one of her top priorities to repair those relationships and foster a joint effort to work together under a community-oriented policing model. “It also means a mindset change from within the Sheriff’s Office that proactively emphasizes problem-solving and partnership-building”.

Ms. O’Neill acknowledges that programs and initiatives take funding. She said a budget review may be in order to ensure the taxpayers are not burdened but that the community and the school kids are protected.

Ms. O’Neill said that the plan is evolving and that additional goals and objectives will be added. “I have a vision of operating a law enforcement agency that is the very best in New York State because it has refocused its efforts on community and school safety through a comprehensive inter-agency collaboration and shared services.”


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sheriff candidate Colleen O'Neill to hold Art Auction Fundraiser Thursday

The Friends of Colleen O'Neill are hosting an Art Auction fundraiser on Thursday August 21st at the Historic Masonic Temple, 242 Washington Street in Watertown. The event is from 6pm to 9pm and will feature paintings, drawings, photography, pottery, decoys, stained glass, quilts and more, all by local artists. The live auction will begin at 8pm. Hors d'oeuvres, music and a cash bar are included.  Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple. Contact 321-543-1069.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

O'Neill pledges to bring leadership to the Sheriff's Office

Next Sunday, August 10th is the 30th anniversary of my graduation from the New York State Police Academy. Adding to the values my parents had instilled in me, I learned about the importance of attention to detail, integrity, and honor. All character-building assets that defined my career with one of the most highly respected police agencies in the country and helped me to become a leader. 

I will bring leadership to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. Leadership begins with sound management experience. At numerous points in my career I was elevated to supervisory positions including: managing the daily activities and training schedules of hundreds of recruits and instructors at the State Police Academy, conducting extensive background investigations on Trooper candidates ensuring only those who possessed the mandatory principles were admitted, managing busy patrol stations at several locations around the state as a Sergeant, and overseeing the Bureau of Criminal Investigations unit at the station in Alexandria Bay – including homeland security at the International Border as a Senior Investigator.  
The public has lost confidence in the leadership of Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. The agency’s knowledgeable, experienced supervisors and managers deserve a leader who supports them and provides them with direction which allows them to carry out their duties and responsibilities. They deserve a leader who will bring integrity to the job, not allowing ethics to be compromised. As Sheriff, one of my priorities will be to establish an internal affairs mandatory reporting system. Every personnel complaint will be heard and investigated fully. Additionally, the members of the agency will be protected from false accusations. I will ensure that the system is fair and impartial and prohibits unfair discipline practices. I will be a leader who not only manages and supports my workforce, but I will answer to the community for which I serve. The public expects and deserves that.

Our community includes other law enforcement agencies with whom I worked side by side. Since beginning this campaign, I have reached out to law enforcement leaders in an effort to open lines of communication needed to efficiently and effectively serve Jefferson County. As a veteran of law enforcement in Northern New York, I understand the necessity of cooperation between local, state, military, federal and international agencies. I also understand the obstacles.  I have the experience to build and enhance these relationships.  Through collaboration, will we be able to successfully keep our neighborhoods safe, protect our children at school and fight a heroin epidemic – among other challenges. My goal is to build the most effective law enforcement team in New York State.

I believe a key characteristic of a good leader is being a good convener and listener. For example, jail overcrowding has created a challenge for personnel and is a fiscal burden for the county. The jail is staffed with professional officers who deserve a leader who protects their safety with the community’s interest in mind. I will examine the corrections problem with a fresh perspective. Solutions will be found through a comprehensive review and collaboration with corrections officers, the District Attorney's office, court personnel, judges, and service agency program managers. We must examine the entire system - from who is being detained to what programs are in place to reduce the recidivism rate. I am confident that this review will lead to important reforms that reduce the daily jail population, and help all of the agencies in our criminal justice system work more closely together. Efficient solutions will be implemented with the goal of budgetary savings without compromising officer or public safety.

Leadership is about managing effective communications with the public. I will implement a professional external communications process that keeps the public well informed of incidents, activities, and operations of the Sheriff’s Department. As your Sheriff, I will listen to and answer to the community I serve. I will expect nothing less from the officers and employees under my command.

I am in this race because I believe my leadership experience is exactly what the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office needs right now. I have had a long law enforcement career as a public servant and as a leader. I believe I offer this county's citizens and the Sheriff's Office a new direction for which we all can be proud. With your support, I pledge to be Your Sheriff.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Sheriff candidate Colleen O'Neill receives another endorsement

Jefferson County Sheriff candidate Colleen O'Neill announced today that she has received another endorsement. The Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local #2 unanimously endorsed her candidacy recently.  The organization represents 1,500 union construction families in upstate New York.

"To have the endorsement of this organization is certainly humbling given their representation of a large number of construction families," said Ms. O'Neill.  "They have put their faith in me for this campaign and hopefully with their help and support, we will prevail this fall. I pledge to ensure they and their families, like all citizens and families in Jefferson County can live in safe communities and can send their children to safe schools. That will be a key focus for me as Sheriff."
